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You Are A Resilient Leader

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Being a Resilient Leader

Resilience and resilience are buzzwords in education. The two words are tossed around like leaves in the wind, especially during a pandemic. People ask school administrators if they are resilient or possess resilience. Indeed, most people answer in the affirmative; however, do they know what resilience entails? So, we ask the question, what does being a resilient leader mean to you? 

Definition of Resilience

First, let’s define resilience.  According to APA, “Psychologists define resilience as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress—such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems, or workplace and financial stressors.” How can you determine if you are a resilient leader when there are many working pieces?  

Difficult Times and Hard Decisions

As a school leader, you face and must adapt well to many situations throughout the school year. Even a typical school day can present a variety of circumstances for you to handle.

Next, why is it essential to possess resilience? Throughout your personal and professional lives, you will face difficult times, hard decisions, and more. Resilience gives you the emotional strength to cope with trauma, adversity, and hardship. It utilizes your resources, stability, and skills to overcome challenges and work through challenges. 

You may ask yourself, “How do I know if I am resilient enough? No one knows if they are hard enough to handle some difficult situations, including school leaders. You do not always know how to react to adversity until it happens. However, you can learn more about your resiliency level by taking a quiz. Click on the link, answer the questions, and find your results.


School leaders handle daily difficult decisions.

Resiliency is Complex

Resiliency is not a simple concept. It has many components, and it is complex and personal. Resiliency has no universal fit, and everyone is different regarding one’s inner strength and outer resources. Let’s look at the examples of resilience, the Seven C’s, and the protective factors of resilience. After reviewing the information, let it marinate and determine where you fit.

Examples of Resilience

There are three examples of resilience: physical, emotional, and community. Consider what each represents.

Physical resilience is the body’s ability to withstand challenges and maintain the stamina needed to push through difficult situations. It includes the body’s ability to recover from injuries, illnesses, accidents, or exhausting physical demands.

Emotional Resilience asks how you cope personally when a crisis or a significant change in your life happens. It is how well you handle or adjust to stressful situations and adversity. An emotionally resilient person can assess the situation and pull from their resources to push through the issue. 

Community and Psychological Resilience

Community resilience is the ability of groups of people to respond to and recover from adverse situations. A community may deal with a natural disaster, violence, a public health crisis, or a lack of economic resources. How community members respond to adverse situations or bounce back is a part of their resilience.

Psychological resilience is about one’s ability to adapt to a difficult change or situation mentally. A psychologically resilient person can remain calm and focused through an adverse situation. 

7 C’s of Resilience

Seven C’s of Resilience

The Seven C’s of Resilience, developed by a pediatrician, Ken Ginsburg, MD, is well known. His specialty is in adolescent medicine at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Dr. Ginsburg developed the 7 Cs model of resilience to help kids and teens build the skills to be happier and more resilient. Although the model was for children, the skills also apply to adults. 

Dr. Ginsburg developed the 7 Cs model to center around these critical ideas. First, children and teens live up or down to the expectations that (we) adults set for them. The young people need us (adults) to hold them accountable to high expectations and love them unconditionally. Second, modeling resilience for kids and teens is more important than discussing it.

Now, you are wondering what the 7 C’s of resilience are. The American Academy of Pediatrics summarizes the 7 Cs as follows:

  • Competence: We must know how to handle situations, trust our judgment, and make responsible decisions. 
  • Confidence: We gain confidence by being competent individuals. One should be skilled in handling real-life situations.
  • Connection: It is imperative to have close ties to family, friends, and community. These provide a sense of security and belonging in our lives.
  • Character: We need a fundamental sense of right and wrong. We should make responsible choices, contribute to society, and experience self-worth.
  • Contribution: A sense of purpose is a powerful motivator for children and adults. Making contributions to one’s community reinforces positive relationships that give and receive.
  • Coping: Learning to cope with stress effectively helps to better prepare us to handle adverse situations and personal or professional setbacks.
  • Control: Develop an understanding of our internal control to help us act as problem-solvers, not victims of circumstance. Suppose we learn that we can control the outcomes of our decisions. In that case, we are more likely to see ourselves as capable and confident.

Protective Factors

Being a resilient leader or human does not mean that you will not experience adversity, complicated situations, or distress. Life is not always rosy and full of joy. Developing resilience happens over time. None of us are born with it. We learn it and not necessarily during our childhood. Becoming a school leader and managing day-to-day issues can bring out the best or worst in you. Some situations can take you out physically or emotionally, while others are as simple as ABC. As a resilient leader, you will need the following six things.

Social Support: You need people who have your back or who you can lean on during difficult times. Family members, friends, siblings, or colleagues are possibilities. Please make sure they are trustworthy and fully supportive. 

Realistic Planning: Your ability to think out and create practical plans will help you play to your strengths and develop strategic goals.

Self-Esteem: Confidence is your friend and superpower. Your sense of self should be evident as you work through adversity.

Coping Skills: Problem-solving is a big part of managing. Hardships are not unsolvable. Use your problem-solving skills to get to the root of the matter. Then work it out!

Communication Skills: You must communicate what you need and your plan. During a crisis, you must mobilize your support systems and resources. You can do that by precisely sharing what is required.

Emotional Regulation: Can you manage your emotions during challenging times? You may feel like crying, screaming, or breaking down, but it exudes confidence within you.

You are Resilient

Many days, a school leader’s job is challenging, especially during a pandemic. Your load is heavy, and more duties and responsibilities are piling on you. You know that you cannot falter because the students, staff, and community depend on you. Whether you are ready or not for a brewing storm, your resilience has you covered. You are a resilient leader!

Quote of the Day: Resilience is the core strength you use to lift the load of life. Amet Sood, MD

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https://www.apa.org/topics/resilience American Psychological Association

Resilience Skills, Factors and Strategies

The Task of the Educators

Task of the Educators

“The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts.” by C.S. Lewis.

Samuel Durr writes this guest post. He was given the quote by C.S. Lewis to interpret and give his perspective. Durr is a special education teacher who has been teaching in Chicago for 15 years. He has authored one published book, a few novels, and a barrage of short stories.

The phrase, irrigate deserts, is interesting in this famous C.S Lewis quote. The author probably means educators should encourage enthusiasm and curiosity, which is a good rule. Still, for me, the desert imagery has a different, probably unintended, possible tangential, effect. Since I carry my own associations and personal experience like an over-stuffed backpack, I will write about what questions it raises for me. Is education, are classrooms, are students, deserts? A desert is a resourceless, brutal environment where nothing flourishes, and everything has protective spines and spikes.   

Education is a Desert

The quote by C.S. Lewis offers an interesting perspective about the task of the modern educator.

In short. Yes. Education has become a desert. The need for a sea change is obvious to just about everyone. Recently, five large schools in Baltimore, Maryland, four of which were high schools, were found not to have a single student reading at grade level. Is Baltimore a city of fools? No, and so it’s clear that something is wrong, and I can’t help but wonder if maybe general education has become too available. 

The hard truth is that when anything is generalized, in fact mandatory, it becomes worthless and sometimes even loathed. Ask any teacher tasked to hand out free breakfast. Proportionally, far more of it ends up in the trash than in the mouths of those it intended to help. Students even complain about free breakfast as they drop it into the can. In other words, I’m not so sure we have a problem with how we educate.

Force to Educate

 Maybe, we have an issue with who we force to educate? If a family honestly doesn’t want to send their kid to school, why should they, and why do some schools have to take every student? This is a little ridiculous under a microscope. It has turned many public schools, unfortunately, into minimum security prisons.

Luckily, I have a solution. Picture, for a moment, if public schools could be more selective about which students they take? Just slightly. I’ve worked at four different schools over my fifteen-year career, and I can say without flinching each would have benefitted profoundly from booting ten kids, almost all for severe behavioral reasons. It’s easy to get all squirmy about the idea of leaving children behind. 

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Good Intentions

Still, perhaps it should be considered that despite good intentions and hard work, no teacher, counselor, priest, or coach can right the worst of the worst. Isn’t that nature? Some of the brood doesn’t make it for reasons beyond the control. With enough concentration, or maybe delusion, it’s possible to imagine an unnatural world in which every child becomes successful, but in such a world, the bar for success would be significantly raised. And if it were, we would still have students who didn’t “make it.” 

The point is that prioritizing students based on their sociability or intelligence is not evil, it’s realistic. It’s time to fully consider that organizing institutions around rotten principals leave us with rotten schools. Ten students, out of five hundred, give or take, isn’t very many but would change the overall tone. Similarly, imagine if a school had the ability to boot a kid because of parent harassment? Only in the most extreme cases, of course, but if schools simply had the authority, however weak, imagine the change. 

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Education as a Status Symbol

Consider also, if the government didn’t take money out of taxes to pay for public education but instead invited parents to pay out of pocket? If education became a status symbol, as it is to many parents already, they would be willing to spend money to send their children to better schools, and they wouldn’t trash their neighborhood schools and teachers. Competition can be healthy if it’s refereed. 

Problematic Institution

There are shining lights in every classroom, even in the worst public schools: brilliant students, self-sacrificing teachers, thought-provoking lessons, and dedicated staff. I don’t want to degrade education. There are many positives, and some of the best humans we have are teachers. Still, this institution has far too many problems, and the positives of change are worthy of the risks. It’s sad to say, anyone who’s been in a public school lately can attest to the lack of resources, brutal environment, ineffective teaching, poor social behavior, disorganized, stupid factories they have become. The point is, we can do much, much better. C.S. Lewis uses the term desert, and it works, it’s effective, but I wish it weren’t. 

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Educators! Make This Wellness and Self-Care Workshop Your Priority

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This Workshop is for You!

In our last post, we wrote about teacher wellness and self-care becoming a priority. Educators have more opportunities to attend workshops and conferences. Do you want to learn how to reduce stress and burnout? Teach and Take Time for You has the perfect workshop for you. Mark your calendar! This event, “Strategies and Tips to Reduce Stress and Burnout” is Saturday, October 6, 2018.

First, answer a few questions to see if this is a fit for you. Are you stressed out? Are you ready to quit the profession? Do you drag yourself to work each morning? Are you losing patience with your students, colleagues, and parents? Do you count the days between weekends and holidays? If your answer is Yes to any question, this is the perfect workshop for You! Continue reading