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Is it time for a career change

Educators is it Time for a Career Change?

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Career Change

The school year is almost finished. Normally, the summer is a time for educators to refresh and reflect. As you know, the education profession is not easy peasy and  202o and 2021 have been no less than traumatic. The pandemic, virtual learning, hybrid classes, or balancing both virtual and in-person learning are all enough to send some teachers over the edge.   All of these issues lead to a serious question. Educators, is it time for a career change?

Teacher stress and burnout continue to be prevalent across the United States and worldwide. Loud whispers of teachers and principals leaving the professions fill many ears of district administrators. School districts wonder how to keep teachers and principals from walking away from the profession. Educators are becoming more vocal about their well-being and why they’re willing to leave the field. Many are ready for a career change. Here are a few reasons for their departure.

Low Pay and Lack of Benefits

Low pay and lack of benefits are reasons for a career change. Many teachers work two and sometimes three jobs to make ends meet. Plus, this year the COVID19 pandemic dumped more responsibilities on teachers.  We already know that many states do not adequately fund public education. Also, some states do not sufficiently support teachers’ pension funds. For many teachers, a raise is hard to come by. Even a cost of living raise is on teachers’ wishlist. Like doctors and attorneys, teachers must have a degree and state license to practice their craft.  Plus, think about how much of their money teachers spend on supplies and resources. Some educators begin to think about other possible job opportunities.

Lack of Respect

Another reason for a career change is teachers and school administrators do not feel respected. Many blame teachers for societal ills that they have no control over. Society relegates educators to many things other than educating students. During the beginning of the pandemic, educators were considered heroes. Parents realized how valuable we are when they had to teach their own children. Parents realized it is a big and difficult job. Then, the tide turned as the pandemic continued for many months. Suddenly, politics made educators into villains. Even before the pandemic, teachers played various roles as nurses, social workers, jack of all trades, disciplinarians, Miss Manners, and sometimes de-facto parents. They are all of these things while teaching kids how to read and do math.

Unachievable Expectations

Expectations and too many responsibilities are unachievable. Both cause stress and burnout. Consequently, educators are trying to leave the field and change careers. Politicians and others who’ve never taught set benchmarks and don’t provide the funding and resources to succeed. It’s all about the data and the numbers. It’s rarely about the children and their real needs. It is about standardized tests and school ratings. It’s time to look at more variables such as the social-emotional needs, socio-economics of a community, family structures, class sizes, etc.

Safety Issues

Safety played a big role during the pandemic. Normally, teachers worry about safety issues; however, COVID 19 took the worry to another level.  Now, educators worry about the traumatic experiences of students that occurred during school closures. Homelife for many students is not stable on a regular basis. Add a pandemic and school closures to disrupt students’ lives more.  Whether it’s a rural or urban school district, teachers and administrators always think safety first. Universities and colleges train educators to teach. A school building must be a safe zone or haven for the students and staff. All teachers only want to teach and not have anxiety about clean and healthy buildings.  When they feel as if they can no longer teach, it’s time for a career change.

Helpful Tips

Undoubtedly, many will see something that resonates in this post. You cannot take it anymore and are ready for a career change! Before you decide to leave the profession,  begin to prepare for new realities! The corporate world is vastly different than the education world. Here are a few helpful tips.  

A career change is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Photo by Hans-Peter Gauster on

Look at your finances. Do you have money saved for a rainy day? If you don’t have a job lined up, how long can you survive on your savings?

Is your family supportive of your decision to change careers? If you’re single, then you only have one person to answer. However, if you have a spouse and children, you must consider how a career change affects your family.

Prepare for a Job Search

Prepare for a job search by thinking about your marketable skills. Educators, don’t underestimate yourselves. Your skillset is very high! Think about what you want to do and write a new resume. Network and communicate with anyone who may be able to support your search for a new job.

Be open to other things like pursuing a new degree or trade. For example, one teacher went to a truck-driving school. She learned to drive a truck, passed the test, and received her license. Now, she is on the road for a major trucking company. A science teacher enrolled in a nursing program. In 18 months, she received a nursing degree and now works in a hospital. Think outside the box and ponder the possibility of relocating.

While losing great teachers is not a good thing, sometimes a career change is good. Your sanity, physical and mental health are top priorities. You have various skills, experiences, and knowledge to share with the world. You can use your degree to become a professional consultant or become a corporate trainer. Becoming an entrepreneur is a great option, too. The possibilities are endless. Do you stay or go? It is all about you, so take the time to figure out what is best for you.

This is an update to a previous post from May 2018. 

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Additional Resources

Time Magazine

Are You Financially Fit To Quit

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It is Spring 2020, and many educators are making a significant shift because schools across the nation closed due to COVID19. The way we teach completely changed within days. Before this shift, some teachers and administrators thought of exiting the field of education. Now, people have time to reflect, and more educators may leave the profession. First, think long and hard. Ask yourself a question. Are you financially fit to quit?

Teachers and administrators know it is a difficult job. Sometimes you have those “nobody told me” moments. The workload and demands are heavy. The expectations and responsibilities continue to increase while resources decrease. The idea of walking away becomes more constant. 

Stress and Burnout Stats

Stress and burnout rates among educators continue to increase each year. According to Edweek, in 2018, 44% of new teachers leave within five years. “Citing low pay, widespread disrespect, and potential opportunities in other fields, frustrated public school teachers walked away in record numbers in 2018. This data is according to a Wall Street Journal report based on U.S. Department of Labor figures. (Think Progress, February 2019). Not only are teachers walking away, principals and assistant principals are running out of the door also. Do not run until you know you are financially fit to quit.

Let’s walk through a process to see if you’re financially healthy enough to walk away from the classroom or school. We have attached a Financially Fit worksheet (PDF) to use during this process. Or you can grab some paper and a pen or create an Excel or Google Sheet on a laptop.

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