Benefits of Walking

Educators, Enjoy the Benefits of Walking!

Let’s Get Moving

Finally, no more excuses to get moving! You planned your routes and bought the necessary clothing and shoes. You set step and mileage goals. Now, it is time to start walking. Now let us talk briefly about the proper form. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Health gives the following tips on proper walking form.

  1. Keep your chin up and your shoulders slightly back and relaxed.
  2. Look forward, not at the ground.
  3. Keep your back straight, rather than arched forward or backward.
  4. Let the heel of your foot touch the ground first, and then roll your weight forward.
  5. Walk with your toes pointed forward.
  6. Swing your arms naturally.

Lastly, while enjoying the benefits of walking, pay attention to your safety. Whether you walk at work or home,  always be aware of your surroundings. Let family, friends, and co-workers know where and when you walk. Carry identification and a cell phone with you.  If you wear headphones or earbuds, keep the volume low so you can hear cars, barking dogs, emergency vehicles, etc. Watch out for sidewalk cracks and holes, sticks, or rocks that may cause a fall. Avoid dark roads or areas.

Once you develop a routine for walking, you can add on additional goals or steps. Chart your progress using your fitness tracker, journaling, or a fitness app. Do not forget to reward yourself for meeting set targets. Also, invite friends, co-workers, and family to join you or create challenges like the 30-30-30 Walk Challenge. Encourage and support others to enjoy the benefits of walking.

Begin Your Own Challenge

When you and your co-workers begin your own 30-30-30 Walk Challenge or teacher wellness program, find ways to chart your progress. Celebrate the success among the group and encourage additional educators to participate. Promote the benefits of walking and share with educators across your districts. Let’s kick out stress and burnout!


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