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Vision Boards Are Popular
Vision boards are the rage. Typically, they are considered something very personal. However, vision boards are used professionally, too. For personal use, a vision board is used to bring clarity and focus on a specific goal. Displayed images are a representation of whatever your goals are. A vision board helps to bring it all to life. Professionally and as a teacher, you have goals, too. You can create a teacher vision board to guide you through your professional journey.
Creating a vision board is a great way to set goals, and they are fun to make. Both teachers and administrators can create and use a vision board. Why create a vision board? It helps to motivate and focus on your profession and classroom.
A Personal Improvement Plan
Vision boards are mind maps. Use them to create a picture of what your future looks like. You can create a vision board at the beginning or end of the year. Each year, educators must develop a school improvement plan. Therefore, think of a vision board as your improvement plan.

Visualize your goals by creating a vision board.
Photo by Cassandra Washington
As a part of your improvement plan, you can create a vision board to set goals for your professional journey. Or as a teacher, you may set specific goals for your classroom or students. If your an administrator or principal, you may set goals for your school, staff, or community. Creating vision boards can become a significant activity for professional development with staff members. The activity can be an extension of the classroom with your students. Furthermore, you can take it further as a parent engagement activity.
Creating A Vision Board
Now let’s get into the process of creating a vision board. First, you will need the following materials: poster boards, magazines, glue sticks or paste, and scissors. You may have magazines around the house. If not, ask friends and family. Libraries, doctor offices, and businesses sometimes have old magazines. Check out these places to get additional magazines. Then head to the dollar store to purchase the other materials.
Afterward, it’s time to sit down and brainstorm. Are you creating a board based on setting goals for your professional journey or your classroom? Find a quiet space and write down your goals. If you find that the list of targets is long, stop for a moment. Prioritize and contemplate what is most important. Remember, don’t overwhelm yourself with too many goals. Now onto the next step.
While in your quiet spot, gather up the magazines and scissors. Flip through the magazines and photos. Then cut out images and words that relate to your goals. Take your time perusing through the magazines. When you see something that relates to your goals, cut it out. Then put the cutouts to the side.
Completing Your Vision Board
Next, gather your poster board, scissors, and glue sticks. Now paste the images and words onto the poster board. As you paste, try not to cover any part of the photos. When creating your vision board, you can include phrases, quotes, or verses that are important to you. It is your board, so own it.
When you complete the vision board, keep it in a safe place. Review your board monthly to see if your making progress. If you want to share your board and goals with colleagues, feel free to introduce the process to them.
The process of creating a vision board can be an eye-opening experience. It is a creative way for educators to see a visual representation of their goals. Again, vision boards can be created to improve professionally and personally by teachers, principals, or administrators. Imagine the paradigm shift that may occur if vision boards became the norm.
Additional Resources
Creating a Teacher Vision Board by Rhonda Stewart, 2015
The Teacher’s Prep: Create a Teacher Vision Board August 2017
Printable Vision Board Template
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